Php Generating An Api Key

Aug 01, 2019  In order to start working with most APIs, you must identify yourself (register) and get an API key (a unique string of letters and numbers). You will need to add an API key to each request so that the API can recognize you. On the example of RapidAPI – you can choose the method of registration that will be convenient for you. RandomKeygen is a free mobile-friendly tool that offers randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service or device. KEY RandomKeygen - The Secure Password & Keygen Generator. Previously, we learned how to create a simple REST API in PHP.The create, read, update and delete database records (CRUD operations) has been useful for our projects.

Example for an API Key generator written in PHP. The key that is generated will be 32 non-cryptographic random characters long, and can contain 0-9, a-z (lowercase), A-Z (uppercase). Adding the option for the characters to repeat, creates over 450 quadrillion combinations.

To keep the code short, I generate a random number using rand(48, 122). This number will then be filtered for the ranges of 58 to 64, and 91 to 96. If the random number is present in the previous ranges, the number must be discarded and then recreated. This is done until a number is generated outside of the previous ranges, and this in turn must be completed 32 times. This is done so that the random number can convert into ASCII code (i.e. &#48 ; = 0, whitespace added the prevent conversion) to generate the characters mentioned above.

Php Api Tutorial

Another option would be to create a random number using rand(0, 61). Then using a switch statement append a string together based upon the result. This method results in code roughly 133 lines in length (excluding comments, but allowing whitespace), while the previous method is 27 lines in length (again excluding comments, but allowing whitespace).

Php Generating An Api Key In Windows 10


Php Using Api

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