Ubuntu Failing To Generate Ssh Key Error Log


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Ubuntu Failing To Generate Ssh Key Error LogUbuntu failing to generate ssh key error log in windows 10

Ubuntu Failing To Generate Ssh Key Error Log In Firefox

System Details:
Plesk Onyx v17.0.17_build1700161028.14 os_Ubuntu 16.04
Problem: Attempt to Migrate using Authorization = SSH keys

Full Error:
'Failed to connect to the source server 'source' ('X.X.X.X') by SSH: not a valid EC private key file'
What works:
Migration in either direction between the 2 VPSs using Authorization = User/password
SSH keys have been setup in both directions. Can login to each server from the other using SSH keys. (using root right now for testing)
Other: Both VPSs are the same (Plesk Onyx v17.0.17_build1700161028.14 os_Ubuntu 16.04)

Keys details:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
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