Visual Studio Generate Public Key Token


  1. Visual Studio Generate Public Key Token L 8 B 31bf3856ad364e35
  2. Generate Token Online
  3. C# Generate Token
  4. Visual Studio Generate Public Key Token Code

Today I was trying to determine a public key of a DLL that I added to my MVC project. I learned that we can determine this by using our Visual Studio itself. Here I am sharing that information and will use Visual Studio 2012. Using the code. To determine the DLL information, you need to run your project, since this process will work only in. It’s recommended using a 128-bit key, generated with cryptographic algorithms as per RFC2104. For.NET/.NET Core, the key Secret key should be a minimum of 128 bits i.e (16 bytes). JWT secured Token. JWT token will be generated using a simple logic programmatically is already explained in the below article, JWT Authentication in ASP.NET Core 2.2.

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

SharePoint Foundation development projects often involve a mixture of imperative coding and XML markup. Frequently, you add your new assembly's Public Key Token to a project file, such as an XML configuration file. If your Visual Studio project is based on any of the SharePoint 2010 project templates in Visual Studio, you can simply insert the placeholder $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyPublicKeyToken$ where the Public Key Token should be in most kinds of project files (but not .cs or .vb files or other compilable files). When you build and deploy the project, Visual Studio will replace the placeholder with the Public Key Token in the copies of the files that are actually deployed. (For more information about the use of SharePoint-oriented Visual Studio placeholders, see Replaceable Parameters.)

Visual Studio Generate Public Key Token L 8 B 31bf3856ad364e35

If you need to insert the Public Key Token in a file that does not support the placeholders, you will need a way to obtain the Public Key Token. This topic explains how to add an item to the Visual StudioTools menu that can be used to obtain the Public Key Token of an assembly under development.

To add a Get Assembly Public Key item to the Tools menu

  1. In Visual Studio, click External Tools on the Tools menu.

  2. In the External Tools dialog box, click Add and enter Get Assembly Public Key in the Title box.

  3. Fill the Command box by browsing to sn.exe. It is typically installed at the following location: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0aBinx64sn.exe.

  4. In the Arguments box, type the following (case sensitive): -Tp $(TargetPath).

  5. Select the Use Output window check box.

  6. Click OK. The new command is added to the Tools menu.

Whenever you need the Public Key Token of the assembly you are developing, click the Get Assembly Public Key command on the Tools menu, and the public key token appears in the Output window.



Because the Public Key Token does not exist until the assembly is compiled the first time, you will need to compile the project before using the tool.

Generate Token Online

See Also


Re: PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'

Sep 21, 2006 04:37 PM|dfields|LINK

Visual studio generate public key token 2017

Assemblies are typically identified by their simple text name, version, and culture. Sometimes, this is not sufficient, and it is necessary to uniquely identify an assembly. For example, it is necessary to uniquely identify an assembly if you wish to load it into the GAC, because it is possible that two different version of an assembly with the same manifest exist in the GAC. To avoid collission, and create a truely unique identity, you create what is called a strong name, and sign your assembly with this strong name. A strong name is defined by MSDN as:

A strong name consists of the assembly's identity—its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)—plus a public key and a digital signature. It is generated from an assembly file using the corresponding private key. (The assembly file contains the assembly manifest, which contains the names and hashes of all the files that make up the assembly.)

C# Generate Token

Strong names are generated using public-key cryptography. So, it is necessary to have a public key as part of the assemblies manifest so implementing applications can then encrypt using the private key generated with a strong name key (which is essentially a very large random number), and, thus, make the assembly useable. The PublicKeyToken value is that public key. A strong-named assembly's public key token can be found with the 'sn.exe' utility (which ships with the .NET Framework SDK) with the '-T' switch. The 'sn.exe' utility is primarily used to generate and manage strong name keys, and sign assemblies.

Visual Studio Generate Public Key Token Code

-- Dan