Can U Generate Public Key From Fingerprint

In the real world, most administrators do not provide the host key fingerprint.

  1. Can U Generate Public Key From Fingerprint System

Instead you can ask anyone else who has a physical access to the server or who already knows the host key. The host key is only one and hence the same for all users. Also note that the host key fingerprint is generated from a public key part of the host key only. So it is not secret and can be safely sent over unencrypted (yet trusted) communication channels.

Public key example

If you do not have anyone else to obtain the fingerprint from, you may need to connect to the server without knowing the fingerprint. Before connecting for the first time, ensure a security of your local machine and a line to the server. For example if you plan to connect to the server from an external site (e.g. from home or a client), but you have a physical access to the server site, connect from the server site the first time (e.g. your workplace).

Once you connect, WinSCP caches the fingerprint and will ensure, that the key is unchanged every time you connect later on.

If you need to know the fingerprint later on for other purposes, like to verify the host key on another machine, or for automation, go to a Server and Protocol Information Dialog. See a Server Host key Fingerprint box.

Can U Generate Public Key From Fingerprint
  • You can check the fingerprint of a server's host key or a user's public key by using the ssh-keygen-g3 program. The option -F (dump fingerprint) of ssh-keygen-g3 will display the fingerprint of the key: ssh-keygen-g3 -F /path/to/ For example to check the fingerprint of the host key of the SSH Tectia Server on the host.
  • A public key fingerprint is typically created through the following steps: A public key (and optionally some additional data) is encoded into a sequence of bytes. To ensure that the same fingerprint can be recreated later, the encoding must be deterministic, and any additional data must be exchanged and stored alongside the public key.

Can U Generate Public Key From Fingerprint System

As far as I know the endorsement key can be reset, so it doesn't uniquely identify a device as the user can tell the TPM to generate a new one at any moment. – user42178 May 28 '15 at 3:12 1 I don't see that the EK can be re set by the end-user in any of your references.